Friday, January 24, 2014

The American Visionary Art Museum

Have you heard of visionary art? Defined as “art produced by self-taught individuals who have not undergone formal training, and the work is based on the inner voice of one’s soul”. Sounds quite complicated? Well, instead of reading about it, charter bus visitors should head over to the American Visionary Art Museum in Baltimore, where many beautiful “raw artworks” are displayed.

The Uniqueness of the Museum

Visionary art is quite unusual, and the way this museum handles its exhibitions are different from what you usually find in other regular art museums. Instead of focusing on a specific type of style or artist, the exhibitions sponsored by the American Visionary Art Museum are based on titles. Some of the exhibition titles that have been hosted at this museum are like “Wind in My Hair”, “The Art of War and Peace”, “What Makes Us Smile”, and the most recent one, “The Art of Storytelling: Lies, Enchantment, Humor & Truth”.
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